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The Business Bureau Blog

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The secret to financing London hospitality businesses: Leasehold finance

Are you London based hospitality operator/entrepreneur? Then leasehold finance can help you to achieve your goals. This is why. The London hospitality scene is generally acknowledged as one of the most vibrant of any capital city in the world. Yet finding good well-established businesses for sale or prime vacant sites [...]

Are you regularly reviewing your business financing options?

Are you regularly reviewing your business financing options? Having just had candid conversation with my insurance company about the annual renewals on our 2 family cars, I thought a complete review of my standard finances was long overdue. I was under the rather idealistic belief that as a 56 year [...]

How client managers can align customer service and risk management

At times invoice finance operational staff can find responsibilities for providing good customer service and managing risk directly conflict with each other. In this follow up to my article Invoice finance problem clients: Are they worth your time? I show you how you can take steps to manage these conflicts: [...]

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Client Managers: Beware the dangers of careless emailing

Why face-to-face meetings over email are vital to a successful invoice finance client relationship management strategy. In this fast paced, ever changing environment, email has increasingly become the communication tool of choice.  In some instances it is the preferred medium to collect debts and deal with clients and their customers. [...]

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Learn the secret of how to finance a business…today

In a conversation about how to finance a business, an acquaintance recently commented that the only way out of the current business malaise is if banks start to lend money to small businesses. This comment seems to be very much in vogue. However, I know that it isn’t entirely [...]

Categories: latest, Start Up Finance|

How invoice financiers can protect against factoring fraud

Alas invoice finance fraud cannot be avoided. The more elaborate the fraud, the more difficult it is to spot. In order to mitigate against the risk and potential loss resulting from fraud, invoice financiers must raise awareness of fraud with their people, processes and culture. In The invoice financiers guide [...]

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