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Credit Insurance / Bad Debt Protection

Every business goes to great lengths to insure all of its most valuable assets. Its cars, computers, machinery and even staff. However, in many cases the most valuable asset a company owns is often ignored or forgotten. What is that asset?

The money you are owed by your customers – Your Debtors.

We have all heard stories of companies going bust, or ceasing to trade, and the impact that has on not only the people working in those companies but the businesses that they owe money to.

A bad debt can be catastrophic to your business simply because you are having to recover that loss with more and more turnover, which in the current climate is not going to be easy.

How can you protect yourself against a serious situation like this. How can you protect yourself against your customers going bust.

Get the most appropriate business financing options for your business.

Save time and money by letting us find the best and most cost effective Credit Insurance or Bad Debt protection package for your organisation.

The Business Bureau has vast experience in Credit Insurance  including Bad Debt protection.

Contact us now for a credit insurance quotation. We would be delighted to discuss your individual business requirements further.